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This has never happened to me before- I tried to take an in-motion picture of myself, and it actually turned out ok!

(Ok, one of them did. In the rest I look like an enthusiastic llama in a dress….)

This was genuinely such a big cause of celebration for me, I can’t even tell you 😀

These pictures are actually from when I was in Cyprus on holiday last summer. I never got around to posting the photos from that trip but now that it’s almost summer again (although, here in London, that means thunderstorms all week apparently!), I thought I’d revisit them.

The dress is from ASOS.



I’m going to New York on holiday in a couple of weeks and I’m thinking of taking this dress with me, so any suggestions on how to make it more ‘city’ and less ’38 degree beach holiday’ would be welcome!


I bought the pineapple clutch at an overpriced boutique in Athens. The label says that it’s by House of Pasiphae.


We went to a restaurant called Karatello, which we liked so much we went again the next day.

The saganaki en flambĂ© may have had something to do with it….



And maybe the complimentary loukoumades for dessert as well….



Summer is nearly here, I can feel it! 😀

Have a great weekend!


The Styletterie

I went with my sister and boyfriend to the Vogue 100 exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery a couple of weeks ago. I was ridiculously proud of myself as I always intend to go to galleries and exhibits but somehow never get around to it. I think living in London all my life has ruined me, in the sense that there’s always so much cool stuff to go to that I never go to it, because I’m so secure in the knowledge that there will always be more cool stuff to come! Which makes no sense, but there we go.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it, despite not enjoying Vogue as a magazine all that much (too many ads, it just annoys me). The images are so creative and iconic though that it was really interesting to see so many of them in one place.

This was my favourite photograph…



It was taken by Helmut Newton (in 1974 I think, it took me ages to find it online, and my research skills are somewhat hampered by my inherent laziness!), and I just love it. I’m not sure why this one tickled my fancy over all the others but something about it just appealed to me. Maybe because the dresses seem like something I could actually wear and look good in (as opposed to 99.9% of all clothes featured in Vogue ever), or maybe because it reminded me of sneaking out of parties (albeit slightly less glamorous ones!) to escape the mingling, and gossip with my sisters. 🙂

As always, however, the best part was the gift shop. :-p


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Hope everyone is having a good week!


The Styletterie


To borrow a phrase from the “youth” I hear around me, H&M’s sweater game is strong this season! I bought the feminism one as a birthday present to myself, and the other 2 were birthday presents from a friend. I love them all 😀

I also really love this one:

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MTV and burgers were basically my life at one point.

(Ok, burgers still are.)

And this one’s pretty cute too:

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I especially love the pizza.

(When burgers are busy, pizza is my life instead.)

Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend!



The Styletterie

Primark Tees2

How adorable is this Friends T-shirt from Primark?! I actually didn’t buy it as I was shopping with a friend and she bought it, and we have a problem whereby 90% of our wardrobes are the same at any given time, and 90% of our socialising is done together, so dressing becomes even more complicated than it already is!

So cute though.

I also loved the below T-shirts, which I very restrainedly (is that a word?) did not get either. I am capable of spending my life savings in Primark, a habit I am trying to break by exercising occasional self control!

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I would totally have got the Beauty and the Beast one if they’d had it in my size though!

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I did get the ones below:

Primark Tees

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Primark Tees6

I wore this out to dinner. My sister (who has never been remotely interested in hairstyles before, but now has 2 daughters and strict instructions to learn how to do all sort of braids etc.) did my hair so I could match my niece. I totally loved it! I also really loved how my hair looked when I took the braids out. I may have to start going over to hers every morning…

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Morning face

Yes, I have filtered the crap out of this picture. Hair = good. Morning face = “Quick Bob, get the children in the minivan”

Hope everyone is having a good week, I am moving house this weekend and am very nervous/excited!


The Styletterie



It’s Friday!!! 😀

I wore this fluffy lilac jumper for birthday drinks with my friends last week. It’s very warm (almost too warm) and I was a very popular hug candidate in it, which is always nice! As it’s a bit more cosy and shapeless than what I usually wear, I paired it with as much bling as possible to glam it up.


Jumper: H&M

Treggings: M&S

Booties: Zara

Bracelets and rings are all old.




My friend bought me the starry dangly earrings about 12 years ago and I still love them and wear them all the time. And the hearty Vivienne Westwood earrings were my birthday present this year from my bf.


The necklace (aka my new favourite thing) is from Claire’s Accessories and was a gift from my nieces, as I mentioned last post!



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Facebook has started doing these little slideshows of the photos on my phone at the top of my feed, which really annoys me (I’m constantly terrified I’ll accidentally upload the most recent batch of “do I have back rollies in this?” mirror selfies that I’ve just taken at any given time) but I thought the fading effect of these pictures was cool!

My nails are painted in gel varnish from Avon, and it’s really good! It goes on very smoothly and lasts a long time before chipping. 🙂


My friends totally spoiled me! I had a homemade cake, a store bought cake and an inflatable crown! (As well as presents!) It was a great night. 😀

(Although I have made it clear that I do not want the same style of cake next year- I’m keeping that number on the DL!)


This was the cake after the meringue numbers collapsed and it was given to me backwards, so instead of ’29’, I am now officially ‘P smooerrsh’.


My rubbish attempt at taking a car selfie in my inflatable crown. Bow down b*tches!

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Hope you have a great weekend!


The Styletterie



BDAY6It’s that time of year again- the time when the lure of presents and my horror of becoming a grown up wage war against each other, leaving me a conflicted and confused bystander.

So far however, the presents are winning! 😀

BDAYYes, it’s my birthday today and my adorable nieces, who share my affinity for all things colourful and sparkly, gave me this box of jewels hand picked by themselves from Claire’s Accessories. (Not entirely by themselves, I hope. Being 5 and 3 years old, I’ll assume my sister was there with them. And that she paid.)

Anyway, how spoilt am I?! 😀 I decided to wear the most blingalicious one today, in honour of my agedness.



I also wore my tiara  (so sue me, I wear tiaras on my birthday! And on Oscar night. And my nameday. And whenever I wear a robe because that makes me feel crazy glamourous. And sometimes just when I’m feeling blue.) for breakfast but took it off before leaving for work. 😩 Now that I’m old, I have to conform to society’s interpretation of what makes a person seem “normal” and “sane”.



I painted my nails for NYE, in CiatĂ©’s Raspberry Collins with a layer of Rom-Com Rouge red glitter over the top. It’s not the most mature, but I like it!




I’m at work today (grr) but going out for dinner tonight (yay). I’ll probably change into what I wore last Valentine’s Day for that, as it’s funky and I can wear my most stretchy trousers with it. Steak and cheesecake here I come!

Happy New Year everyone! Here’s hoping 2016 is the best yet!


The Styletterie

imageMerry Christmas one and all! Hope you have a lovely day!


The Styletterie


Ok, I realise that December is technically winter but it is weirdly mild here in London (for which I am grateful, weathergods! Don’t smite me!), which means I can still get away with wearing my favourite autumn outfit! 🙂



Coat: Monsoon

Long sleeved t-shirt, treggings and shoes: Marks & Spencer

Necklace and bangle: Accessorize

Scarf: Zara



I really do love wearing this outfit- it’s super simple (all black + colourful coat = no thought necessary), it’s comfy, it’s work or bar appropriate, and the necklace makes it seem a lot more exciting than it really is. 😀

(I’ve had the necklace for years and it is so handy, I’ve worn it to fancy events with a black strapless dress and often wear it to travel. Maximum impact- minimum effort!)

Me on holiday in Italy a couple of years ago (with an H&M cardi that I also wear too much):



Yes, I took leaning photos in front of the leaning Tower of Pisa. I would be embarrassed but the ones I took pretending to hold it up were way worse…






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I hope everyone is having a good week!


The Styletterie




Thanksgiving OOTD

Despite being English and not really knowing what Thanksgiving is about, I have definitely noticed it becoming more of a thing here in the UK over the last few years (especially the whole “Black Friday” thing, which is suddenly a BFD apparently). Anyway, last year my friends decided to have a big Thanksgiving dinner (which, being only a couple of weeks before our annual ‘friends’ Christmas dinner, meant that nobody wanted turkey again so soon – what do Americans do? Do you have the huge meal with all the trimmings both times?). Being the Queen of Procrastination that I am (no need to use the full title, Your Most Serene Highness will suffice), I never got around to sharing what I wore to it last year and so here it is! (Better late than never, right?)

I obviously decided to go for an American theme (again)

I had originally wanted to wear my Primark dungarees:


But then decided that a.) I looked stupid, b.) I’d be cold and c.) I really did look stupid, so instead I went for:


Denim shirt: Primark

Jeans: Asos

Backpack: Asos

Plaid shirt: River Island

Shoes: New Look (with my Charlotte Olympia inspired Archie DIY brooches)

Baseball cap: merchandise from an Eminem gig

Phone case: Skinnydip London

Earrings: Lazy Oaf




My rings and bracelets are mostly cheap and old, from various markets etc. (except for the hearty one, which is Tiffany’s) and I just combined everything I had that was red, white, blue or starry/stripey. Never let it be said that I didn’t commit to a theme!


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I appreciate that sandals look better without socks but hey, it’s November! 



Happy Thanksgiving! Hope everyone’s having a good week!


The Styletterie


NYC High Line

So, because I am something of a procrastinator and also very easily distracted, I never actually finished

Oh look a butterfly!! Brb, just having lunch.

Sorry, what was I saying? Right, I never actually finished blogging about my trip to New York this time last year. So, as it’s winter again and I fancied reliving it and being miserable that I’m not there now, I figured I’d try and finish off. (One of my new year’s resolutions – in 2013 -was to finish things I start. Better late than never, right?!)

Day 4 dawned bright and crisp, and we headed to the High Line which is basically a park above Manhattan’s West Side. It used to be an elevated freight rail line and is now a gorgeous public park about 3 storeys above New York. I really enjoyed walking along it, the greenery is so pretty and it has art installations and sculptures all along, including the nose in a wheelbarrow, pictured above, and this lady below, who I can only assume is modelled on Tilda Swinton’s less successful sister.

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Stumbled onto some sort of film shoot.

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Just chillin’… It is such a nice idea to have a peaceful little park in the sky where you can escape for a bit.

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I wore: my Urban Outfitters baby doll style dress (as seen in my first ever blog post!), with leggings, Office booties and about 55 cardigans, along with my weird stag skull necklace that I think I got from River Island. I covered up with my grey French Connection coat (bought on sale in Bicester, back when they still had a FCUK *sob*) and my Zara scarf (that clashed so badly with my dress!) and I carried my mini pink leopard print backpack that I’ve had since 1999. I also wore my Dorothy Perkins spiky hairband because it makes me feel like the Statue of Liberty. Unfortunately, it also hurts like hell so I have to remove it every half hour or so to regain the feeling on the sides of my head. I am nothing if not determined though so I refuse to give up on it. Feeling like Lady Liberty is too important not to at least try. (Life lessons from The Styletterie!)

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Our High Line stroll took us right to Chelsea Market where we ate at Artichoke Basille (supposed to be amazing, but I was underwhelmed), had milkshakes and shopped for a bit. The above was in Anthropologie, where I could have bought everything, if only it wasn’t so darn overpriced!

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 World’s ugliest (and giant-est!) shoe…

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 Chelsea Market…

Back to the hotel to nap and drop off our bags, then off to Macy’s, which is my favourite place! It’s not as highbrow as some of the other big New York department stores (and not as pretentious as some of the markets/”indie” places) which means I can actually buy stuff! Yay! (Plus, when we went, it was during Black Friday week, which I had never heard of before, although this year seems to have become a ‘thing’ here in the UK too.) (Plus plus, foreigners get a tax free card in Macy’s so everything is, like, 11% off!)


Looove Rachel Roy… Some of my all time favourite USA purchases are Rachel Roy for Macy’s…

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 I really wanted this apron!

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 Spot the tourist… 

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After yet another nap (holidays really take it out of you), we went for a drink at The Breslin which was a cool bar with great cocktails that my photos don’t do justice to, then on to Kyo Chon in Koreatown for dinner, where I became obsessed with Shazaming all the K-pop songs being shown on the TV, before getting home and realising that without the mesmerising videos and accompanying Korean food, they really weren’t my thing!

The Breslin

 The Breslin.

After all those naps we were exhausted, and so another day was done.

Hope everyone is having a good week! 😀


The Styletterie