

So, I cut my hair. And it’s short. Like short short. Like ponytails are a thing of the past short. Like tucking it behind my ears is a distant dream short. Like just when I thought the overzealous hairdresser had finished, I heard a buzzing noise as she started razoring the back of my neck and had a mini nervous breakdown short. So anyway, I am not completely convinced. I fear my face may be just the wrong side of “I really enjoy doughnuts” for hair this short. And I feel my goal to look grungy and badass may have somewhat failed since as soon as I got home my sister (bless her, she was trying to be nice on account of me having texted her a panicked message from the hairdresser’s that may or may not have included the word bald. Not that I am at all melodramatic) exclaimed “Oh my gosh, it’s so cute, you look just like MUM!”

But, on the plus side, I have discovered that I much prefer it wavy and messy to the bouncy, straight ‘do I had upon leaving the salon which is excellent news for my morning lie-in. And I figure that in about 6 weeks, it’ll be just right.

In the meantime I will be busy trying to convince myself that I look like this:


(having a weird belated girl crush on mid-nineties Drew Barrymore atm!)


The Styletterie