
I am currently in the process of moving out. This is a Big Deal for me.

I have never lived alone, or even away from my family. If my parents hadn’t upped and left the country for warmer climes a few years ago, I’d probably still live with them. As it is, I live with my sister. I LOVE living with my sister- she’s my best friend and an amazing cook, it’s kind of a no-brainer. However, now that I am getting *ahem* older, I have decided that I should at least try and go it alone for a bit (Spoiler alert-this is less dramatic than it sounds, I am moving 10 minutes down the road). I am simultaneously excited and terrified. (What will I eat?!)

Unfortunately all this moving has put a serious spanner in my blogging! Not for want of inspiration, but simply because every time I sit down to blog I find myself thinking “this time would be better spent researching integrated washer dryers” and I somehow distract myself from the task at hand, despite the fact that researching integrated washer dryers is exactly as boring as it sounds. But I miss blogging! And my sister and boyfriend may kill me if I don’t manage to find at least 5 minutes a day where I’m not thinking/talking/googling/monologuing incessantly/all of the above about cabinets. Seriously, it’s that bad. I have little dancing household appliances can-canning across my brain ALL DAY. It’s like Fantasia with furniture.

So, I’m going to try and blog a bit more, as I’m not quite ready to relinquish my grip on sanity just yet.

That said, if this blog takes a turn away from from fashion and towards decor, go easy on me – I’m only human!

Hope everyone’s having a good week, and Happy Autumn! 🙂


The Styletterie