Archives for posts with tag: pretty


I have been desperate for some patterned trousers for ages now (we’re talking several years), but alas, while I love my big hips, patterns don’t really tend to! I found these in Primark last week and decided to give them a go since they were cheap. I love the pattern, but I see-sawed all day on whether or not I liked them. I’m a big believer that a huge part of having good style is knowing when a particular trend just doesn’t suit you, and I’m worried that these may have fallen into that category for me.

It didn’t help that as the day progressed, they got looser and looser in weird places (like the thighs and knees). I guess that’s what you get for buying cheapie trousers!:


Start of day…reasonably flattering…


End of day….not ideal.


Perhaps a costume change mid-way through work is the answer?

It seems to work for Beyoncé….


Happy Hump Day everyone!


The Styletterie


I have lived in London all my life. I tend to walk with my head down, just trying to get where I am going without tripping up or making unnecessary eye contact. But the other day, the sun was out and I finally managed to convince myself to walk home from work. And I became just like every annoying tourist ever, stopping every 5 steps to gawk and take photos of everything. This is how London gets you. For 11 months of the year, we bitch and moan about the weather, the pollution, the tube, the hostility, the muggings, the greyness etc. etc. And then spring happens, a few blossoms appear, the sun peeps out from behind a cloud and everything changes. And that one month (if that) is what keeps us here for the rest of the year. (Ok fine, that and the culture, theatre, restaurants blah blah blah). But seriously, who knew London could be so pretty? I had to stop myself from grabbing people on the street to ask them “did you know? I didn’t know, how about you Sir? Did you?”

So even though this has nothing to do with style (although I would wear anything that had a pattern as pretty as some of the things I saw on my walk), I thought I’d just take a moment to appreciate the beauty of my hometown, and apologise for overlooking it so frequently.

(I don’t speak Twitter but, um, hashtag no filter etc. I didn’t do anything to these pictures except press the little button on my phone to take them.)



ImageI love the contrast of the delicate pretty flowers with the grey wrought iron gates, it’s just so London.




ImageI’m obsessed with these leaves. They look like little paper butterflies!


ImageI took these pics last week, and the weather has already gone grey and gloomy and rainy since then. (Well, there was a bank holiday weekend, what did we expect?) There is a hint of sun today though.

Oh London, you old tease….



The Styletterie